The Pforzheimer Honors College released the list of spring 2022 courses on Wednesday October 13, with an updated calendar sent to all honors students via email on Friday October 15. The updated calendar came with the notice of MAT 134 no longer being offered as an honors course.
Next semester, the Honors College will be hosting its popular classes: Yoga (CHP 146), Normative Ethics (PHI 115), as well as Critical Writing (ENG 120) and Writing in the Disciplines (ENG 201). All second semester freshman are required to take Normative Ethics with Dr. Lawrence Hundersmarck, and both of the english classes are required during time at Pace to fulfill general education requirements.
Something new next semester is the learning community being taught by Dr. Janetta Benton and Dr. Len Mitchell. The two classes being paired up are Art History: Renaissance through Modern Art (ART 103, picking up right after Art 102 held in the fall semester) and Introduction to Aesthetics (PHI 170). This learning community will be looking at art and understand the aesthetics behind the art. These courses also feature a guided trip to the Metropolitan Museum of Art during the semester.
You can find the full list of courses in your email from Carol Turco, on Schedule Explorer, in the new Pace Portal under browse classes, or on the tab on the Scholastica titled Spring 2022 Courses.
Registration begins for graduate students on November 8, and on November 15 for undergrad students. Make sure you check the portal for your registration time, as well as making sure you schedule an appointment with your advisors before their schedule fills up.